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If your heat pump has a refrigerant leak, it requires immediate attention from a professional HVAC company with a proven track record of excellence, like Reliable Heating & Cooling. Refrigerant leaks are a serious threat to your health, the environment, and your wallet. The longer your heat pump goes without repairs, the more costly those repairs can become as other parts of the system become damaged. If your unit loses too much refrigerant, it can even cause a complete system failure.
How do heat pumps work? This amazing technology extracts warm air from the outside and moves it inside to keep your home warm, even in low temperatures. In the summer, the process is reversed, removing heat from your home and releasing it outside. A compressor circulates refrigerant through a closed-loop system. Your heat pump will lose its ability to keep your home comfortable if there is a refrigerant leak because this unique solution is vital to the performance of your HVAC system.
Refrigerant leaks are not to be taken lightly. They pose a significant threat to your family's health, with the potential to cause serious, even fatal, conditions. Long-term exposure to leaking refrigerant can lead to neurological disorders and cardiovascular problems. The substance's flammability can also result in injuries from fires and explosions if the issue is not promptly addressed.
If you experience the following symptoms, seek medical attention:
The properties of HVAC refrigerants, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), are known to increase global warming. When these chemicals are released into the atmosphere due to refrigerant leaks, they trap heat, worsening the greenhouse effect and contributing to climate change. Additionally, chlorine and bromine atoms released from refrigerant chemicals can break down ozone molecules. When this happens, dangerous ultraviolet rays can cause damage to Earth's surface and your health. The chances of developing cataracts and skin cancer drastically increase with exposure to UV rays.
If your heat pump has a refrigerant leak, you will likely notice an increase in your utility bills. Your HVAC system has to work harder to compensate for the decrease in the vital coolant, which puts a heavier load on its energy consumption. This, in turn, causes your heating costs to rise as your unit struggles to keep up.
Your home will not be as warm and comfortable as you are used to as your heat pump's efficiency wanes.
Contact our knowledgeable Reliable Heating & Cooling team for the best heat pump repair in Staten Island and the surrounding area! As a local company, we understand that temperatures in New York can get fiercely cold in the winter. You need a heating system that is capable of keeping your home warm and safe from the elements, and we are here to help.
Call Reliable Heating & Cooling today at
347-845-8389 to schedule your heat pump repair. We have nearly two decades of experience working with heat pump technology and can ensure that your home stays comfortable year-round. Experience the difference partnering with us makes. We look forward to serving you!
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