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Downplaying trouble is human nature. But there are many situations when brushing aside warning signs can mean dealing with much bigger problems later — including with heating and air conditioning systems.
A refrigerant leak might not seem significant enough to call for AC repair in Ocean County, NY, especially if you don’t notice a significant change in your HVAC operation. However, even the smallest refrigerant leak can result in major damage to your system.
Here is what you need to know about refrigerant and why it’s important to have your unit serviced quickly after you’ve detected a leak.
Refrigerant is the liquid your HVAC uses to cool off your home. The refrigerant itself doesn’t produce cooler temperatures the way a heating system produces warmer air. Instead, refrigerant removes heat in the air through evaporation and condensation.
First, refrigerant travels to an evaporator coil, where it takes heat away from the air circulating the coil. The heat is transferred to a condenser coil, where the refrigerant re-liquifies so that it can release the hot air outdoors. This process continues until the air reaches your target temperature.
Your HVAC system reuses refrigerant over and over. Even a small leak in the refrigerant path can make your unit overheat. This, in turn, can make your unit short cycle — or run in short bursts — and increase your energy bill, making delaying AC repair in Ocean County, NY, an expensive choice.
Along with short cycling and higher HVAC bills, some of the most telling warning signs of a potential refrigerant leak include:
If you notice any of these conditions, it’s time to call your local HVAC technician for immediate service.
Take charge of fixing a refrigerant leak before the problem gets out of hand. The dedicated team at Reliable Heating & Cooling has extensive experience handling refrigerant leaks and other AC repairs throughout Staten Island and southern New Jersey.
Schedule service with us today.
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